Journal of Legal Studies <div style="width: 100%; float: left;"> <p>The aim of Journal of Legal Studies is to publish quality articles and insightful research ideas in all fields of Law domain having a rigorous methodological aspects and soundness of research outcomes. The Editorial Board is oriented towards a comprehensive, extensive and more accurate original contribution in the Law domain with the final objective to promote a high standards of research outcomes in the light of the latest legal sciences agenda. The complex phenomenon and manifestation of the law in the context of globalization has led the Editorial Board to promote also aspects of transdisciplinary, interdisciplinary and multidisciplinary aspects also with some important domains as: economics, finance, IT, medicine or psychology. It is important to promote in the law sciences also the usage of statistical techniques which will lead to the increasing of the quality of the article are a more empirical structure of the research outcomes. The scope of the Journal is to promote a high degree of innovation in Law domain by providing articles which will have a high degree of impact and importance both for the doctrine and academics, and also for Law practicians with the understanding of modern research methods usage in the social sciences.</p> <p>In 2001, within the Faculty of Legal Sciences of "Vasile Goldiș" Western University from Arad, a biannual legal journal, named "Studii Juridice" (Legas Studies) made its appearance, published at Cluj-Napoca, at the prestigious Cordial Lex Publishing House (ISSN. 1582-5442).</p> <p>Today after a period absence of about seven years, the journal returns in force, continuing the scientific demarche began in 2001, under a new denomination - Journal of Legal Studies -, with a new format, under the guidance the Center of Studies and Research – European Dimensions of the Romanian Law (C.S.R.E.D.R.L.) within the Faculty of Legal Sciences of "Vasile Goldiș" Western University from Arad, with a new Editorial Board, a new Scientific Board and with prestigious national and international reviewers.</p> <p>But we also thank all those whom supported and whom beared a hand to the comming-back of our journal, to the members of the Editorial Board, and especially to the prestigious members who accepted to be a part of Scientific Board of the Journal.</p> <div dir="ltr" data-setdir="false"> <p class="ydp7b5768c3MsoNormal"><strong><span lang="RO">Journal of Legal Studies niche and specific contribution to the international legal literature</span></strong></p> <div><span lang="EN-GB">The Journal of Legal Study niche regards the study of international law and comparative law. This is a very important issue tackled by the Editorial Board to connect the legal systems at the European and international levels. The Editorial Board follows studies with international and European law aspects and features for a more comprehensive enactment of the legal systems worldwide. Moreover, the Journal of Legal Studies supports comparative aspects of law both on national and international agendas. This is a very important aspect due to the need to make intercountry comparisons of the legal systems. The contribution of the Journal of Legal Study to the international literature is focused on providing insightful and interesting theoretical and empirical studies with a direct impact on academic, practical, and doctrinal issues of all law areas.</span></div> </div> <div>&nbsp;</div> <hr></div> <div style="width: 20%; float: left;"><br><a href=";result=43"><img src="/public/site/images/admin/Sciendo_Banner_template2.png" width="148" height="108">. &nbsp;</a><br> <p>&nbsp;</p> </div> <div style="width: 80%; float: right;"><em>Journal Of Legal Studies</em>&nbsp;is covered by the following services: <p><a href="" target="_blank" rel="noopener"><em>Journal Of Legal Studies-<br>in DE GRUYTER&nbsp;<br>OPEN since 2015</em></a></p> <p>Baidu Scholar; CEEOL - Central and Eastern European Online Library;&nbsp;CEJSH (The Central European Journal of Social Sciences and Humanities);&nbsp;CNKI Scholar (China National Knowledge Infrastructure);&nbsp;CNPIEC – cnpLINKer;&nbsp;Dimensions; DOAJ (Directory of Open Access Journals);&nbsp;EBSCO (relevant databases);&nbsp;EBSCO Discovery Service;&nbsp;ERIH PLUS (European Reference Index for the Humanities and Social Sciences);&nbsp;EuroPub;&nbsp;Genamics JournalSeek;&nbsp;Google Scholar;&nbsp;Index Copernicus;&nbsp;J-Gate;&nbsp;JournalTOCs;&nbsp;KESLI-NDSL (Korean National Discovery for Science Leaders);&nbsp;MyScienceWork;&nbsp;Naver Academic;&nbsp;Naviga (Softweco);&nbsp;Primo Central (ExLibris);&nbsp;ProQuest (relevant databases);&nbsp;Publons;&nbsp;QOAM (Quality Open Access Market);&nbsp;ReadCube;&nbsp;Semantic Scholar;&nbsp;Summon (ProQuest);&nbsp;TDNet;&nbsp;Ulrich's Periodicals Directory/ulrichsweb;&nbsp;WanFang Data;&nbsp;WorldCat (OCLC);</p> </div> <div style="width: 100%; float: right;"><hr> <p style="text-align: justify;"><a title="" href="" target="_blank" rel="noopener"><img style="float: right;" title="cross-check" src="/public/site/images/admin/crosscheck_it_trans.gif" alt="" width="140" height="50"></a></p> <p style="text-align: justify;">The editorial board is participating in a growing community of <a title="what is crosscheck" href="" target="_blank" rel="noopener">CrossCheck System’s</a> users in order to ensure that the content published is original and trustworthy, aiming to eliminate plagiarism and provide a high standard and quality peer-review.</p> <hr><img style="float: right;" src="/public/site/images/admin/Grammarly_logo.png" width="279" height="79"> <p><span style="text-align: justify;">Free language editing services for accepted papers by Grammarly.<br></span></p> <div style="width: 100%; float: left;"><hr> <p>&nbsp;</p> <p>Since 2015 (16th Volume, 29th issue), <em>Journal Of Legal Studies</em>&nbsp;uses&nbsp;<strong><a href="" target="_blank" rel="noopener">DOI (Digital Object Identifier)</a></strong>as a permanent citation link to content article.</p> <hr> <p>Licensed under the Creative Commons — Attribution 4.0 International — CC BY 4.0&nbsp;(<a href="" target="_blank" rel="noopener">CC BY-NC-ND 4.0</a>)<img src="/public/site/images/admin/Untitled1.png"></p> </div> </div> en-US Journal of Legal Studies Exploring Legal and Non-legal Approaches to Eliminating Child Labor in the Cocoa Industry in Ghana <p>The problem of child labor in cocoa-producing countries like Ghana and Ivory Coast has been projected into the international limelight due to coverage by notable international media organizations like CNN, BBC, and Al Jazeera. The incidence of child labor in the cocoa industry raises legal and ethical issues in the production and manufacturing processes that feed into international trade. This paper explores the international legal framework on child labor under the Minimum Age Convention and the consistency of Ghanaian domestic law with the Convention. It further discusses empirical data collected from Anyinam, a cocoa farming community in the Eastern Region of Ghana and the sustainability programme of Federated Commodities Ltd. (FEDCO), as a private sector responsible business initiative aimed at addressing the problem of child labor from a holistic approach.</p> Alex Ansong Kingsley S. Agomor Copyright (c) 2024 Journal of Legal Studies 2024-05-15 2024-05-15 33 47 1 21 Predicting Legal Systems: an Artificial Neural Network Approach With Statistical Analysis for Comparative Study of Civil Law and Common Law Countries <p>This study compares countries with common law with countries with civil law systems and investigates the possibility of predicting legal systems using artificial neural networks (ANNs). The OLS model, ANOVA, ANN, and Tensor Flow are used in the research to analyze the data. The goal is to find out how board characteristics and country legislative frameworks affect how European corporations disclose their social performance. The performance of a hidden layer with five nodes is best, according to the ANN model. The model's accuracy throughout testing and validation is 0.750. The confusion matrix shows that, of the four observations in the test set, three were correctly categorized as "Civil law" and one was incorrectly categorized as "Common law."</p> <p>To evaluate the model's efficacy, evaluation metrics are computed. The model's accuracy is 0.750, which represents a prediction success rate of 75%. For the "Civil law" class, the recall (true positive rate) is 1.0, indicating that all "Civil law" cases are correctly identified. Metrics for the "Common law" class, however, are not available due to the scant amount of data that is available. The prevalence of countries with common law and civil law systems is compared in the ANOVA analysis. As shown by the computed F-value of 0.482, there is less variance inside each legal system than there is between the two. There is no statistically significant difference in frequency between the two legal systems, according to the p-value of 0.495. Overall, the research's conclusions imply that social performance disclosure between countries with common law and civil law systems differs only slightly. The neural network model's network weights provide insight into the importance of different features in prediction.</p> Jay Kumar Joshi Abhishek Pandey Copyright (c) 2024 Journal of Legal Studies 2024-05-15 2024-05-15 33 47 22 37 Legal Education in Pakistan: an Overview of Stakeholders’ Perception <p>Legal education plays a vital role in the country's justice system. The graduates with good quality of law education have a great impact on the quality of the judiciary, Bar, and Bench. There is a general perception amongst the stakeholders comprising of that the present legal education in Pakistan does not satisfactorily match the needs of the country. Thus, it needs to be reviewed and reformed. In line with this, the objective of the current qualitative study is to analyze the opinions of stakeholders. The article ends with recommendations for improvement in legal education as advocated by the stakeholders.</p> Sardar Ali Shah Saroja Dhanapal Kazim Syed Copyright (c) 2024 Journal of Legal Studies 2024-05-15 2024-05-15 33 47 38 58 Pre-trial Detention Challenges in Sweden and Ukraine <p>This article conducts a comparative analysis of pre-trial detention challenges in Ukraine and Sweden, highlighting common issues and distinctive features. Both countries face non-compliance with international standards in their remand policies, with legislative problems serving as a focal point. Recent legislative efforts in Ukraine and Sweden have addressed some issues, but significant challenges persist, requiring comprehensive solutions. The legislative disparities between the two nations manifest in the technical nature of Ukraine's problems and Sweden's more systemic issues. A unique challenge faced solely by Sweden is the disproportionately high number of foreigners in pre-trial detention, highlighting discriminatory legal regulations. Procedural hurdles vary, with Sweden grappling with the lack of specificity in prosecutors' grounds for restrictions, while Ukraine faces a formalistic approach to remand extensions. Long-term pre-trial detention is identified as a shared concern, attributed to systemic principles in Sweden and technical procedure problems.</p> Dariia Melnykova Copyright (c) 2024 Journal of Legal Studies 2024-05-15 2024-05-15 33 47 59 78 Bridging the Gap: Integrating Flipped Classrooms Into Legal Education in Pakistan <p>The legal education map of Pakistan is plagued by a slew of hurdles, starting with outdated teaching approaches and poor resource provision. This article suggests including flipped classrooms in legal education and the functional outcome of this is to improve the quality and accessibility of legal education. Contrary to the traditional methods of teaching, flipped classrooms force students to interact with the instructional materials before the class. This organization allows face-to-face sessions to focus on interactive discussions and hands-on applications. Major factors necessary for successful implementation include faculty development, technological support, and the correlation of curriculum goals. Flipped classrooms offer a promising route to the issues of legal education in Pakistan. Like that, the method encourages active learning, stimulates cognitive activities, and prepares law scholars better for the difficulties of modern legal practice.</p> Muhammad Imran Ali Copyright (c) 2024 Journal of Legal Studies 2024-05-15 2024-05-15 33 47 79 98 The Importance of Maturity in Marriage From an Islamic Legal Perspective <p>This study seeks to examine the notion of marital maturity through the lens of Islamic jurisprudence. It employs a normative legal research methodology, combining philosophical insights, statutory regulations, and contextual analysis. The analytical techniques involve surveying, conducting question-and-answer sessions, thoroughly reading legal materials, and employing deductive analysis. The research results show that in Islamic law, maturity in marriage refers to the boundaries of individuals who have reached puberty. The importance of building a household based on maturity is to create psychological maturity in both partners, both husband and wife. Islamic law underscores the importance of individuals being mentally, physically, and psychologically prepared for marriage, emphasizing that it is a form of worship. Therefore, building a mature and responsible household is expected in Islamic teachings.</p> Ane Fany Novitasari Thohir Luth Djumikasih Djumikasih Nur Chanifah Copyright (c) 2024 Journal of Legal Studies 2024-05-15 2024-05-15 33 47 99 108 Discrimination Under Political or Other Opinions in Pre-contractual Labor Relationship <p>The legislative changes implemented in the Labor Code of Georgia fundamentally changed the regulations governing the prohibition of discrimination. In order to bring them closer to the law of the European Union, a number of important issues were identified that require scientific processing and comparative legal research. One of the current and problematic types of discrimination in Georgian reality is not hiring a person and/or dismissing him/her due to political or other opinions. Case law regarding these topics practically does not exist. The present article deals with the existing regulation related to discrimination due to political or other opinions in pre-contractual relationships. The present paper examines whether Georgian legislation complies with acts of ILO and European law.</p> Simoni Takashvili Copyright (c) 2024 Journal of Legal Studies 2024-05-15 2024-05-15 33 47 109 115 Political Participation Behavior: Young People's Enthusiasm for the 2024 Presidential and Vice-presidential Elections <p>The enthusiasm of the younger generation for presidential and vice-presidential elections has a significant impact on the political dynamics of a country. This study aims to explore the factors that influence the level of enthusiasm of the younger generation in the process of electing the head of state. The research method used is descriptive analysis using primary and secondary data. The findings show that factors such as political education, social media, participation in political activities, and the aspirations of the younger generation play an important role in shaping their level of enthusiasm for the presidential and vice-presidential elections. The results of this analysis provide valuable insights for policymakers, political stakeholders and educational institutions to design more effective strategies to strengthen young people's engagement in the democratic process, as well as to sustain their political participation in the future.</p> Dedi Mulyadi Leny Megawati Salsabila Hadi Aulia Camilliya Fakhriyah Garnita Fina Asriani Muhamad Fahri Mawardi Arya Riansyah Saputra Muhammad Abiansyah Damar Nagara Copyright (c) 2024 Journal of Legal Studies 2024-05-15 2024-05-15 33 47 116 139 Correlation Between International Regulations and Domestic Regulations in the Field of Human Rights and Freedoms <p>The correlation between international regulations and domestic regulations in the field of human rights and freedoms" analyses the relationship and mutual impact between international human rights norms and standards and the domestic legislation of the States. The paper investigates the importance and ways in which international regulations influence and are implemented in the domestic legislation of States to ensure the protection and observance of human rights. First of all, States have to pass appropriate domestic legislation to implement and give practical effect to international human rights norms and standards. This means that domestic regulations must be consistent with States' international obligations and ensure the protection and respect of human rights at a national level. Secondly, international human rights regulations can serve as instruments for interpreting and applying domestic law. States can use international standards as references for interpreting and applying their domestic laws, thereby ensuring that human rights are duly observed and protected.</p> Anca Florina Morostes Copyright (c) 2024 Journal of Legal Studies 2024-05-15 2024-05-15 33 47 140 157 The Child's Right to Establish and Preserve His or Her Identity. Legislative and Case-law Considerations <p>In each state there are certain vulnerable categories of population: children, elderly, disabled people, who need special protection in order to realize their rights. Among them, there are children, whose rights are explicitly regulated in Romania by Law nr. 272/2004 on the protection and promotion of children's rights, but also in other related laws. In the following, we intend to analyze: the right of the child to establish and preserve his or her identity in accordance with relevant legislation and case law.</p> Daniela Cristina Cret Copyright (c) 2024 Journal of Legal Studies 2024-05-15 2024-05-15 33 47 158 171