Supporting Ecological Innovation as a Factor for Economic Development

  • Erika Erika Loučanová Technical University in Zvolen
  • Miriam Olšiaková Technical University in Zvolen


The paper deals with the evaluation of the ecological innovation as a factor for economic development through the correlation and regression analysis. The paper.analysis ecological.innovation index of Slovakia within the.European Union and in relationship to growth GDP of Slovakia. Correlation and. regression analysis. examines the interdependence ecological innovation index and economic growth. GDP is one of the key elements of effective support for eco-innovation.

How to Cite
Erika Loučanová, E., & Olšiaková, M. (2019). Supporting Ecological Innovation as a Factor for Economic Development. Studia Universitatis Vasile Goldiș Arad, Seria Științe Economice, 29(3), 80-91. Retrieved from