Certain Considerations Regarding the Attributions of the Romanian Guardianship Court in the Protection of the Minors

  • Daniela Cristina Creț “Vasile Goldiș” Western University of Arad


The minors’ vulnerability led to the adoption of certain special means of protection. Among them, special protection measures and adoption play a special role. This paper analyses the Romanian court attributions, as guardianship court in the matter of these measures which are regulated by the dispositions of the Law no. 272/2004 republished, regarding the protection and promotion of children's rights and of the Law no. 273/2004 on the procedure of adoption, and it is intended to continue the paper on the same topic from the previous issue.

How to Cite
Creț, D. C. (2020). Certain Considerations Regarding the Attributions of the Romanian Guardianship Court in the Protection of the Minors . Journal of Legal Studies, 26(40), 189-200. Retrieved from https://publicatii.uvvg.ro/index.php/jls/article/view/634