Quo Quadis Romanian Education? Brief Introspection

  • Verginia Vedinaş Faculty of Law, University of Bucharest
  • Teodor Narcis Godeanu Faculty of Law, Titu Maiorescu University Bucharest


This study aims to conduct a brief introspection of the current state of Romanian education, in general and of academic education, in particular. The approach is achieved under four coordinates: legislative evolution; a review of constitutional and legal provisions; a critical approach to academic education and possible solutions.

How to Cite
Vedinaş, V., & Godeanu, T. N. (2023). Quo Quadis Romanian Education? Brief Introspection. Journal of Legal Studies, 32(46), 146-153. Retrieved from https://publicatii.uvvg.ro/index.php/jls/article/view/781