
Instructions for authors

General aspects


      The papers submitted for publication must be original, i.e. not been previuosly published in part or in full, will be written in Romanian or English and will not exceed 10 pages. For works written in Romanian language they will contain specific Romanian diacritics.

       Editorial Board reserves the right to refuse to publish articles that do not comply with the terms specified in the "Instructions for authors" or have not been modified in accordance with requirements / recommendations. Authors whose articles require changes will be announced at the email address they specified when forwarding the article, within 2-4 weeks.


Recommendations regarding editing of articles


♦ Article title: font size 14, capital letters, bold, centered, will be written in Romanian and English;

♦ Authors: font size 12, right aligned (state the academic rank, name and surname of each author, institutional affiliation and email address for correspondence);

♦ Abstract: font size 12, justify, will have a maximum of 400 words and will be written only in English;

♦ Key words (3 to 5): font size 12, italic, justify, will be written in Romanian and English;

♦ Illustrative materials (tables, charts, symbolic figures) will be numbered in order of first reference in text and they must have a title, each table must be cited in the text; it is recommended that the illustrative material to be supplied to the dimensions that want to be published; scanned materials are not permitted except for figures or photos;

♦ The article will be written in Word format (extension. doc), page size A4 with all margins of 2.5 cm, Times New Roman font size 12, single spacing, justify.

          Articles describing the results of research studies will be edited according IMRAD acronym (introduction, methods and materials, results, discussion and conclusions).





→ Bibliographic references list will be edited following the order of appearance in text of quoted sources, using numbers between brackets [...] and will only contain references which were cited in the text.

→ Language used to edit references will correspond to the language of the cited source.

→ Quoting of articles published in professional journals are to be cited in the following order: name and first initial of authors, year, title of article (italics), journal name, volume and page number; example: [1] Popescu, SD, Suciu, L, (2011), Study regarding the development of motor skills, Studia Universitatis Vasile Goldis - Physical Education and Physical Therapy Series, vol X, no. 2 (11), p.25-28.

→ Citation of books will be mentioned in the following order: name and first initial of authors, year, title (italics), edition, publishing house, city, page; example: [5] Smith, DF, O'Sullivan, L, (2011) The Earth, 2nd edition, X Press, New York, p.105.

→ For citation of references from internet will be mentioned: name and first initial of authors, institution, name (title) of the document, URL, date of consultation.


-Responsibility for the content of articles belongs exclusively to the authors-