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Labas, Istvan, University of Debrecen
Lașan, Nicoleta, "Vasile Goldiș" Western University of Arad
Lazăr, Laura , Bucharest University of Economic Studies
Lazăr, Tania Angelica, Technical University of Cluj Napoca
Lazăr, Vasile, "Vasile Goldiș" Western University of Arad
Lekunze, Joseph Nembo , North West University Business School
Leoveanu, Andy Constantin, National School of Political Studies and Public Administration
Liu, Yong , Jiangnan University
Loghin, Gaga, West University of Timișoara
Loučanová, Erika , Technical University in Zvolen
Loučanová , Erika, Technical University in Zvolen
Loučanová, Erika, Technical University in Zvolen
Loučanová, Erika, Technical University in Zvolen, The Faculty of Wood Sciences and Technologies, Department of marketing, trade and world forestry

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